193 History
About IBEW Local 193 IBEW 193 represents thousands of highly skilled, trained, and dedicated workers. We represent a wide variety of fields, from the Springfield based 911 Dispatchers to CWLP Linemen and Line Clearance Trimmers to Commercial/Industrial and Residential Electricians. By working together as a team, the men and women of IBEW 193 are building a better and brighter future. Our members are the best at what they do and it shows on every job, every day. The vision of Local 193 is to create an atmosphere within our organization in which all members are respected for their diversity, education and contributions to the growth and success of our local. |
193 History There is very little specific information available about the first four years of Local 193’s history as there are no existing minutes from any of the early meetings. However, according to the original 1901 charter, these names appear: Wm. Chiles, John Mansfield, R. L. Flanigan, J. B. Jones, W. H. Sammons, W. J. Barnes, John Otterback, Ed Talbott, T. Ladendoff and S. Dillard. These brave men put their lives on the line in the hope of securing a better life for themselves, their fellow Brothers and their families. Because they signed this piece of paper, they suffered unemployment and were at risk of either being fired from their job, or for some, physically beaten for their union attachment.Over the last 107 years, much has changed. We now enjoy formal training and apprenticeship programs, high safety standards have been put into place, and we are able to earn a decent living. It is these original 10 men, and those who have followed, that we, the present members of Local 193, owe our never-ending gratitude. Let us never forget the sacrifices they made for us and pray that we have the courage to continue the struggle in the shadow of their legacy. |
International Office |
International Office |
IBEW Local 193 Office |
IBEW Local 193 Office |
IBEW Local 193 Office |