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If you are on Book 2, please fill out the form below to resign. Please enter your email address to receive a resign confirmation.

Book Resigns

Resigns are available from the 10th - 16th of every month. Please check back at that time to resign the book. If you are a member of the local 193 or are on the books, please login to resign. All others, use this form when available.


For current information on calls for manpower call 217-544-3479 and press 1.

If you are interested in a posted call please call the IBEW, Local 193 Job Line at 217-544-3479 between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. and follow the directions given on the Job Line. You will be contacted before 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning if you are high enough on the referral list for the call.

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